Friday 15 November 2013

Public Toilets

The Mayor it seems has had another daft idea.

He has installed a number of public toilets in Plaza Arriba.

I tried to use one, but it was far too tall for me as you can see.

It makes me so angry when people are so irresponsible and leave the seat up when they have finished.

Its disgusting, especially as its at eye level.

If only I could catch one of them at it,
I know what I would like to do to them..

Anyway, sugar rush over and calmed down again.

It was a mild night with a light wind and there was a lot of lovely fluff flying about.

I had a lot of fun running around trying to catch them but soon realised I had to get back home before it got too early.

The last thing I remember thinking before settling down for the day was.. "Must tell The Chairman about the Mayor's latest daft idea."

Sunday 10 November 2013

The Stone Lions

It was a dark and rainy night.

But as we gnomes do not easily get wet in the rain,
I ventured out to see how my four lion friends were doing down on the river slope.

Four Stone LionsThey have now been there for quite a few years, waiting patiently to get back to work as fountain supports.

It was a tricky walk, as the roads were like small rivers, but there were nobody about, so I managed to reach my friends safely.

They had just come back from a game of bowling on Avenida Cervantes I could see.

Their bowling balls were neatly stacked in front of them.

We talked about the mayor, who they felt was responsible for them being out of work.

Ducks in a rowThey felt like doing mischief to annoy him.

One plan was to run up and down Vera Cruz to see if the cheap surface he has installed would stand up to four stone lions galloping up and down.

My feeling was that we needed help to get this organised, and get our ducks in a row.

So we decided
to meet up again soon
and bring
the chairman along.